3 Round Stones is pleased to announce the general availability of Callimachus Open Source version 1.4.0. Callimachus Enterprise v1.4.0 is available from 3 Round Stones for registered customers.
Callimachus version 1.4.0 is a minor feature release. A summary of the changes in this release is:
- Support for the W3C Linked Data Platform API.
- .xsl and .xq files now have ?results pragma to execute without a pipeline
- Markdown .md files can now be created and stored in Callimachus
- SPARQL property paths can now be used within template expressions, such as <h1>{rdfs:label|foaf:name}</h1>
- Named SPARQL queries can now use ?results&xtq=out:sparql-json to return results in http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-results-json/
- ?select, ?checkbox, and ?radio pragmas are now available to named SPARQL queries for use as XInclude targets in Callimachus templates
- The Selectize.js library is now included per default in every Callimachus page to easily create an autocomplete widget, powered by a named SPARQL query.
- Many new calli. javascript functions to make it easier to build complicated Callimachus applications
The full list of resolved issues in this release is available on GitHub.
3 Round Stones is particularly pleased to bring support for the Linked Data Platform API to both Callimachus Open Source and Callimachus Enterprise. LDP will assist users to interoperate with various LDP-compliant services from 3 Round Stones, IBM, Carbon LDP, OpenLink Software, Apache Marmotta, LDP4J, Fedora Commons and others.
The detailed LDP test report for Callimachus is available on the LDP test results report, including the Callimachus EARL report in Turtle format.
Two Callimachus sample applications have been updated to demonstrate features of this release:
- The Bonobos Sample Application now includes the use of SPARQL property paths in a Callimachus view template.
- The Quotes Sample Application now demonstrates the use of the selectize.js library with named SPARQL queries to implement an auto-completion text lookup widget. The selective.js library now ships with Callimachus.